Guests who stay at our shelters are referred to us by other homeless charities and organisations in Hackney. Our Advocate Workers meet with every potential guest to assess their suitability for the night shelter environment and to ascertain whether we will be able to meet their needs. We are unable to accept self-referrals or walk ins. If you are a service that would like to partner with us as a referring agency, please contact [email protected]

Members of the public can connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.

Homeless support

The Greenhouse 

A walk in clinic for homeless people to access GPs, prescriptions and medical advice.

Website:  Greenhouse  
Address: 19 Tudor Road, London, E9 7SN
Phone: 020 8510 4490 (option 2)


The national advice line for homelessness advice and support.
Phone: 0808 800 4444

Homeless Link 

A directory of homeless services and organisations in London and beyond.

Website:  Homeless Link  


If you are concerned about someone you have seen sleeping rough, you can contact StreetLink.  The details you provide are sent to the local authority or outreach service for the area to help them find the individual and connect them to support.
Phone: 0300 500 0914

Call the emergency services

If the person needs urgent medical attention or you believe they are under 18 years of age, please call 999

At risk of homelessness

Hackney Council Housing Options & Advice

For help to prevent homelessness and help to find settled housing

Website: Housing options and advice | Hackney Council
020 8356 2929 (from 6pm 020 8356 2300)

Shelter hotline

The Shelter hotline offer a free chatline and a wealth of advice on homelessness
Phone: 0808 800 4444

Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Hackney Migrant Centre

Weekly free advice drop-ins each Wednesday (10am - 4 pm) for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.
Phone: 07504 332706 

Hackney Night Shelter is a Hackney Doorways project
Registered Charity number 1139183 Company number 07064774
The Old School Rooms, 2 Powerscroft Road, E5 0PU
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