How can I help someone I've seen sleeping rough?
The best way that you can help someone is to make StreetLink aware that there is a rough sleeper who needs help. You can contact StreetLink via their website or by telephone. StreetLink will make sure that they connect the person with the support that is available for them in their area. Their details are available on the Get Help page of this website.
How do I get involved in volunteering?
There is a lot of information available on this website about volunteering and the types of volunteers that we look for. If you have time to spare and would like to help please do get in touch. Volunteers must be over 18 years old.
How can I donate to Hackney Night Shelter?
You can donate through the website links, by cheque to the office address or direct bank transfer (contact us for bank details). If you would prefer to donate in any other way, please contact the office to discuss.
Do you need food or clothes donations?
We are sorry but we are not able to accept donations of bedding or clothing.
Can I send someone to the night shelter?
We can only take referrals from our partner organisations: homeless charities and others with whom we have established relationships. This is because we need to assess every guest to make sure that the shelter is the right environment for them and that we can meet their individual needs. If you are concerned about someone who is sleeping rough, please see the Get Help page on this website.